Friday, February 29, 2008

Obama and Cuba

As a Cuban and as a South Floridian, I really like Obama’s stand on dealing with the new “Cuban government.” I agree with him that the new president should meet with Raul Castro to try to better Cuban-American relations. Also, the new president should attempt to instill Democratic ideas in Cuba. Furthermore, I agree with Obama, that the US government should loosen “the restrictions on remittances from family members to the people of Cuba, as well as travel restrictions for family members who want to visit their family members in Cuba.” This sounds like a great idea, and I believe it will benefit the Cuban people living in Cuba. It is time that Cuban-US relations change. I also agree with him that this should occur in other countries that the US has a hostile relationship with. Talking with those that we disagree with and attempting to establish friendly relations is certainly the way to go.

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