Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Obama Scandal

Obama’s image seems to have been hindered by the latest news that his pastor has said some pretty anti-American things. However, people need to realize that one man’s opinion is not another man’s opinion. Obama has strong ties with his pastor because he preaches the word of God, in a manner which Obama regards as honest, but not everything that the pastor believes (especially outside of religion) is believed by Obama. This is perhaps the reason why the pastor’s views have not really affected Obama. However, as a voter I believe that it might affect him negatively with those voters that are undecided and the independent voters that do not follow any one particular party. This is something that Obama needs to take into consideration, especially if he wins his party’s nomination. He needs to find the most strategic way to win the votes of those people that are up against the fence and do not know which way to vote.

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